Estimating the Sale Price

Our agents will price a property only after careful assessment and analysis of recent sales in your area, anticipated market movements and the current market climate. The actual sale price may well exceed our forecast. However we believe our initial quoting range should incorporate your expected reserve and the price estimate.

A property’s worth is best estimated by comparing recent sales of similar properties and by what a buyer will pay. Remember, it only takes two competitive buyers to produce an exceptional result.

A word of warning: many people make the mistake of appointing an agent who quotes the highest sale price, only to be disillusioned. Good agents will have an open mind regarding this but it is their job to guide you as the market will ultimately reveal the true worth of a property.

It is important to point out that the end result is dependent upon how a property is marketed so your advertising investment is critical. The old adage “you cannot sell a secret” applies and the right exposure cannot be underestimated.

Our agents here at Haven will do everything within their power to achieve the highest possible sale price for you.

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Estimating the Sale Price