
Even if your house hasn’t been featured on “Hoarders”, clearing out clutter is vital. Buyers want the feeling that if they move into a new home it will be organized, clean and attractive. Even if your home is in good condition, if it’s cluttered, people will think it needs a renovation and that lowers the value.

But cleaning up isn’t always easy. You’re parting with things that have emotional value, and that can be difficult. Packing personal belongings into boxes that remain in the house isn’t much of a solution. Seeing a lot of boxes, even if they’re attractive boxes, buyers immediately think there’s not enough storage space.

Give yourself a few weeks—or even months– to complete the task of de-cluttering your home. It’s all about doing small projects, one at a time rather than trying to tackle the entire home in one shot, which could be overwhelming.

The rule of thumb, be ruthless. If you’re unsure about something, get rid of it!

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